Monday, October 18, 2010

Two Intense Weeks of Campaigning

Debates: In New York, seven candidates for governor are to debate this evening, including Democrat Andrew Cuomo and Republican Carl Paladino. West Virginia’s Senate candidates, Gov. Joe Manchin, a Democrat, and his Republican opponent, John Raese, face off today in the first of several key Senate debates scheduled for this week.

Health Care Lawsuit in Va.: The first legal challenge to Mr. Obama’s health care overhaul begins today in a Richmond courtroom, where Judge Henry E. Hudson will consider Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s argument that the individual insurance mandate component of the plan is unconstitutional.

Miller Guards Handcuff Reporter: Private security guards hired by Joe Miller, the Republican nominee for Senate in Alaska, handcuffed and detained the editor of the Alaska Dispatch, a Web site, after he attempted to interview Mr. Miller at the end of a public event in an Anchorage school. The Miller campaign said the “liberal blogger” was trying to create a “confrontation” with Mr. Miller.

Tea Party Express Hits the Trail: The Tea Party Express – the political action committee that has funneled millions into the campaigns of conservative candidates around the country like Mr. Miller and Sharron Angle in Nevada – kicks off its pre-election bus tour today in Reno, Nev., the home of the groups No. 1 target, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Sarah Palin will headline the group’s rally this morning, the first event in a cross-country campaign trip through 30 cities including Phoenix, Springfield, Ill., and Wilmington, Del., where one of the group’s most discussed picks, Christine O’Donnell, is badly trailing the Democrat, Chris Coons.

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